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Anavar 10mg

Anavar is brand of Oxandrolone tablets, which is an anabolic steroid, a synthetic derivative of testosterone with very low hepatic toxicity, therefore it is one of the safest oral steroids. It also promotes anabolism through androgen receptor activity and has a low incidence of adverse reactions.

Anavar promotes improvements in strength and moderate increases in muscle mass. It also enhances body fat reduction significantly in both the abdominal and visceral stores.

Anavar will not aromatize and therefore it can promote linear growth. Other benefits, such as in nerve regeneration, skin healing in burn victims, and increased rate of healing after traumatic events.

  • Classification: Androgenic Anabolic Steroid
  • Active Life: 8-12 hours
  • Dosage: 20-80 mg/day
  • Composition/tab: Oxandrolone 10mg× 100 tablets
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